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Last years’ IES Boston & Rhode Island Section Illumination Awards Gala sold out, bringing together more than 500 members of the lighting design, architecture, interior design, engineering, education and manufacturing community. We were extremely grateful for the sponsor’s contributions that made this event possible.   
We invite you to join us, again, in honoring the 2019 Illumination Awards recipients through our sponsorship program.  This year's event will be May 9, 2019 at the Renaissance Waterfront in Boston.
Outlined below are the Illumination Award Gala sponsorship opportunities. As a sponsor, you make it possible for our entire community of designers, students, light artists, manufacturers, marketers and emerging professionals to gather in a celebration of light. Your funding plays an integral role in producing our sparkling and elegant event as well as the IES Boston & Rhode Island Section monthly programs, both of which are volunteer staffed. In exchange for your generous financial support you will receive exposure and prominent visibility through inclusion in the Illumination Awards Gala Program, the screen presentation and with remarks from our emcee/committee Chair during the evening. (see page 2 for details of each sponsorship) 

Sponsorship opportunities available this year

  • Presidential Sponsor
  • Wine Sponsor
  • Cocktail Sponsor
  • After Party Sponsor
  • Vocational Sponsor
  • Photo Booth
  • Floral Centerpieces
  • Photography Sponsor
  • Videography Sponsor
  • Advertisement in Illumination Awards Gala program 

Click here to see package details and to purchase your sponsorship package. ​



The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America is a 501(3)(C) organization. Contributions are fully tax-deductible.